Anar Bayanzul

WebGL Orrery

Drag in frame to move orrery!


Understands the architecture of the graphics pipeline and the key stages in it, including the vertex processor, clipper and primitive assembler, rasterizer, and fragment processor.

Above is an interactive 3D WebGL program with geometric modeling, lighting and shading, and texture mapping made using shader-based GLSL techiniques.

AI Board Game

Note: cannot load on static website

Tak board visuals

This is a breadth first search engine using alpha-beta pruning and several custom heuristics and simulated annealing for an abstract board game similar to Chess called Tak. The search algorithm is implemented in Python with the graphics in Three.js.

Simulated Aneealing Graph

Above is a visualization of simulated aneealing performed for weightings of three implemented heuristics for the search algorithm.

Backend board

Above is the Python backend view of board, for more information, links provided below.

To learn more, go to the Tak wiki page.

To interact, go to the Github repository.